Kot smo v začetku letu predstavili EVS prostovoljca, vam sedaj predstavljamo Workaway prostovoljko.
Maureen je naša peta workaway prostovoljka. Poleti smo gostili prva dva workaway prostovoljca, delo pa je pretežno povezano s prenovo hostla, občasno pa pomagajo tudi pri izvajanju MCI programa. Tako sta npr. pri beljenju hodnika v stavbi, kjer se nahaja MCI, pomagala Juan in Natxo, en iz Kolumbije in drugi iz Španije. Na jesen sta se nam pridružili Patrica in Roma, ki sta prebelili nekatere sobe v hostlu. Patricia pa je tudi pripravila predvanji na GJV in nekaj zapisov na naši spletni strani. Prostovoljci pri nas ostanejo približno 3 tedne, ampak glede na zapis, se imajo pri nas lepo. Do 20.12. pa Maureen pomaga pri barvanju vrat, tako, da bo del Hostla še pred novim letom dobil osveženo podobo.
V spodnjem kratkem intervjuju si lahko preberete kdo je in kako se ima pri nas.
1. How would you describe yourself in five words?
In five words… It's impossible! ;)
2. Why did you choose to do Workaway? What was the main reason?
I'm currently travelling in southern Europe since two months. Travelling is a part of my life since few years. And I have choosen a way of travelling which makes me meet local people and live as local. Workaway is a really good way to settle for weeks or months in a place and really enjoy the local life. Besides that you can be part of interesting and entertaining projects, and I like when travelling allows me to live new experiences.
3. Why did you choose Idrija as your welcoming town?
It was completely by chance, I was looking for a volunteering on Workaway´s website and I sent a request to Hostel idrija because being volunteer in hostels was my first idea. Tilen responded to me quickly to tell me it was ok… Then I said "Yes, let's go there!"
4. In what way are French the same as Slovenians?
This is a really difficult question…We're european people, so in some ways we are quite similar. But as each country has his history and so his own culture; in some other ways we are different. We are both awesome, maybe?
5. What do you think about your employer - Idrija Youth center?
I'm not really employe here, I'm a volunteer and I work mainly for the hostel. But even if I didn´t like my employer I wouldn't tell that on this interview! haha
6. What have you done in the past for a living?
Wow, It's gonna be so long as I changed my mind every year! And keep on changing my mind all the time about my projects...
At this moment of my life, I realized that I wanted to manage my life in two ways: the first one in doing what I really enjoy: Do creative and artistic activities as writing mainly (I wrote two books of short stories, made a short movie, I was volunteer on a radio and had my radio show with my brother, I started my youtube channel…) and travel, of course.
Besides that, I unfortunately don´t have the choice to find some jobs to earn money for living. I did different ones: I worked in psychiatrist hospital, I was an Au pair, I worked as an animator with chidldren for years, I worked in a library for one year, I was a cleaner, waiter, receptionnist in hotel…
I'm trying to find the good balance between working hard on my writing´s projects and work time to time to support my needs.
7. What do you like to work the most?
I could write everyday, imagining characters, describing landscapes, talking about emotions or figuring out a new society…
Be volunteer on the radio or be director on a short movie have been two of the most amazing and interesting experiences I've ever had until now.
But as a proper job, I would say work in a library. I learned a lot about litterature there.
8. What is your first impression about Idrija?
Green everywhere! Nature, pretty, quiet. I'm feeling good here and I'm curious to explore the place.
9. Anything else that you would like to share with our readers? ;)
I would say something cliché: Stay young, be tolerant and respectful to you and others, never forget your dreams and try to always do things who make you feel good and happy. Life is not about being bored or annoyed: it should be enjoyable!